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Healing from Trauma

The following set of 32 affirmations were created by Belleruth Naparstek (1999) to facilitate the healing of trauma. Naparstek’s comprehensive approach can easily be adapted to promote other types of growth and healing as well.

Affirmations are most effective if used consistently over a period of time. It is also a valuable exercise to modify the affirmations written here or add affirmations of your own creation, so that they resonate as deeply as possible with your own values and sense of Self. Allow the affirmations you repeat to change over time as you heal and grow.

  1. I declare my intention to heal myself in body, mind, and Spirit.

  2. More and more, I understand that this will happen as it should - in its own way and its own time.

  3. I invite assistance from friends and loved ones - past, present, and future - to lend me their support and strength.

  4. I see myself surrounded by their love and caring, and I feel it all through me, like a warm wave.

  5. I know I am better and better able to accept what I feel as my Inner-Truth of the moment.

  6. More and more, I can acknowledge the times I feel anger, loneliness, sorrow, guilt, terror, despair, or shame.

  7. I know that the more I can acknowledge and accept what I feel without criticism or blame, the more I allow myself to heal.

  8. More and more, I can accept my feelings, soften around them, and breathe through them.

  9. I am better and better able to be kind and gentle toward myself.

  10. I can see myself becoming more and more patient with myself and others.

  11. More and more, I know that when I can let go of harsh expectations of myself and others, I allow myself to heal.

  12. I know that I am learning to listen to my body and sense what it needs.

  13. More and more, I can consider the possibility that my body is my ally, my oldest friend, and my steadiest companion.

  14. I know that when I appreciate my body, respect it, and take good care of it, I allow myself to heal.

  15. I can see and feel radiant sunlight warming my body, sending comfort and solace deep into my heart.

  16. I can see and feel a powerful blue-green wave of healing, washing through me from head to toe, clearing away any unwanted debris, and taking it out with the tide.

  17. I recognize that there are parts of me that are tied to the past and feel threatened by this healing energy. I invite all parts of myself into the present, where I may receive this energy in a way, and at a pace, that is congruent with my true needs at all levels of my being.

  18. I can see and feel a warm, glowing blanket of magical comfort surrounding me - enveloping me with peace and safety.

  19. More and more, I can perceive the invisible assistance around me, guiding me back to my own strength, courage, and resourcefulness.

  20. I salute my ability to survive and my courage to heal, in spite of what I have experienced.

  21. I understand that there are treasures waiting to be discovered in the anguish of my past.

  22. I know there is a part of me, deep inside, that can never be diminished or destroyed.

  23. I know that beneath the darkness that overtakes me at times, there is a place where I am radiant with the beauty of my own being.

  24. More and more, I know that a time is coming when I will accept my sorrow, release my anger, and forgive myself.

  25. I look forward to the time I will reclaim my full strength and express the full range of my gifts.

  26. I know that my heart is large enough to hold my suffering and to transform it.

  27. More and more, I can see the beauty all around me, and draw nourishment from it.

  28. More and more, I can take the time to touch a leaf, smell the morning air, and receive the caress of a soft breeze on my face.

  29. I welcome my awareness of the peaceful power deep in my heart - the seat of my strength, and the home of my spirit.

  30. More and more, I know that my heart can heal with the vast energy of its own loving-kindness.

  31. I can feel around me a protective cushion of energy containing all the kindness, good wishes, gentle smiles, and sweet gestures that have ever been sent my way.

  32. I know that I have things to do, gifts to give, and purposes to accomplish. I require my full strength and courage and peace of mind to do this.


You can register (for free) to attend the Transcend Trauma Now Summit, (online June 20th-30th), where I will be a featured speaker! Whether you've lost someone, are sick yourself, are caring for someone who is ill, lost your job, are fearful of becoming unwell, are worried about how life will look going forward, or are feeling immobilized and unsure about how to make a shift, the Transcend Trauma Now Summit will provide life changing tools, techniques, and tips to reconnect with joy, the present moment, and a loving relationship to those gone.

You may also join the Summit viewer’s Facebook group to share your story and takeaways with a supportive group.

See you there!