TLC Mission and Values
positive personal transformation starts…
… with a decision to embark on an unprecedented and dynamic inner journey; a journey that endeavors to make peace between your past and present, that allows you to create a more powerful, positive and purposeful future. The first step is uncovering and understanding the unconscious and hidden parts of your inner psyche that have resulted in a negative and limiting self-image. The second step is befriending and accepting those negative and limiting parts, and transforming them into positive allies. The third and final step is using tried-and-true wholistic techniques and coaching skills to synthesize your parts into a whole self, who is able to make conscious, intentional choices toward changing the world around you and living a more purposeful and fulfilled life.
TLC believes that people have…
… all their solutions inside themselves, and will fully and naturally emerge to their Highest Selfhood when given healthy, supportive ground to grow from. TLC values the individual self-healing process of each client, and the integration of mind-body-heart-Spirit-Nature. TLC trusts the coaching process as a realistic tool that, when used, supports transformational life change. TLC is committed to a high ethical standard and bound by confidentiality. TLC proves that change encourages more change, and that transformation is accessible.
TLC’s most immediate mission is…
…to guide and support individual clients and groups through their process of soul healing – synthesizing parts of self into a Whole Self – toward realizing and grounding their highest purpose into action. In doing so, TLC’s most imminent mission is to unify the world as diverse & egalitarian societies, living together in peace, and with love – one fully-actualized person and group at-a-time.
The path of transformation is about realigning your inner and outer vision – relating differently to yourself, others, Nature and Source. The transition, from what was to what will be, involves patience, courage – leaps of faith – and support. When you’re ready to step from A to Be, TLC has the knowledge, compassion and stamina to guide and support you.
Meet Ami
Ami Ji Schmid (ah-me G.) is a Radical Self-Acceptance and Grief Support Coach, and has been called the “Hope Restorer” by her clients. Ami helps people embrace Grieving, and works with humyns to embrace [YOUR] realistic, Compassionate and Powerhouse Self so that [YOU] can confidently follow [YOUR] deep Calling and fulfill [YOUR] higher Purpose.
Ami is an intuit, empath, and Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), with a core belief in energy-based spirituality. She is a graduate of Psychosynthesis Transformational Life Coach training and advanced Psychosynthesis practitioner training, and holds a master’s degree in MH Counseling with a focus in Contemplative Therapies, Positive Psychology, and Cultural Awareness. Ami has over 40-years of extensive study, work, and experience in the field of Metaphysical energy work. She is a Death Doula and Bereavement support counselor, and has extensive knowledge in the fields of Addiction, Bullying, and Suicide Prevention and Recovery.
Ami is the founder of the Compassionate Revolution (TCR - formerly CRGG), and founder and facilitator of Compassionate Community Retreats® and Five Body Yoga® .
Ami facilitates the “Meditation Family” ongoing, open, (Psychosynthesis-informed + Mindfulness-based) meditation group that meets 3x/week, in the Peace Chapel via meditationchapel.org .
You can explore Ami’s blogs, vlogs and podcasts via: Waking Up with Ami and Life Coaching Tools and the Compassionate Travel Blog HERE.
I can honestly say I understand you to many who are dealing with loss from death, and frustration from dealing with broken systems. I have been forced to release my darling daughter to a heroin overdose, my depressed son-in-law to suicide, and I am gratefully raising and advocating for my grandchild who’s on the Autism spectrum, and carries comorbid diagnoses of ADHD, and PTSD. We live in an unprecedented time, where, unfortunately, these topics are increasingly common. These times are forcing a lot of growth. I am learning so much about advocacy. I am learning so much about grief. I am learning so very much about how love is the foundation of both grief and joy, and the key to creating necessary change.
Soul-cuts are common. We receive messages, over and over: you are not enough or you are too much – your thoughts, feelings and actions are not significant, or real – messages that keep a person feeling isolated, the heart hidden, afraid to live fully, freely, and with purpose. I have found that my path of healing and enlightenment has been – and still is – set in a supportive wood, paved by individual steps of self-acceptance and self-love. It’s a tender, full path – able to bear weight and depth, nurturing and Light, tears and laughter – and it leads to peace.
I began my spiritual journey in earnest at the age of 17, when I had an out-of-body experience. Being in a non-tangible state catapulted my interest in healing through energetic means. I believe that healing energy exists, and I’ve learned how to apply it to improve the quality of my daily life.
Our Coaching Alliance
My commitment to you is to (1) be your ‘Wise Guide’ - in Psychosynthesis terms: your External Unifying Center. This is done through deep listening, with bifocal vision - to what you say and to what your Wise Guide is saying. When I hear your Wise Guide, I’ll help you (2) strengthen your ability to clearly hear it. In Psychosynthesis terms, we’re strengthening your Internal Unifying Center. From this stable place of being fully whole, we’ll (3) explore and fine-tune your goals and dreams, and align them with your values. Once the Call of Self is revealed, we’ll (4) ground your Higher Purpose into action through realistic, bite-sized steps. Throughout this process, we’ll work together with respect, Spirit, and in reflection.
You are a precious seed. I hold sacred space for you to explore, choose and implement what best nourishes your mind, body, emotions and Spirit; support you in taking proper time to compost; and rejoice as you emerge into a more present, authentic and vibrant version of your Self.
I am honored to be part of and to witness your process. I’m excited to see where your growth will lead!