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Addressing Negative Self-Talk while Meditating

Dear One(s),

I care about all of us. I care about all of you. That's why, right now, I want to address negative self-talk (and some other parts inside).

Practicing meditation can bring up the thought that you're not doing 'it' right, not ok as-is, "a fake". This happens when a deep negative self-talk voice slyly slips-in sideways and says: "You look still on the outside, but inside there's a hot mess of monkey mind!".

I'd like to talk with that sly negative-self-talk voice right now - for You. I know you can have this talk on your own, and may have done so already - maybe even often. Sometimes, though, it's helpful to have someone else talk to these voices, too. Is that ok with you, Dear One, that I talk to that negative-self-talk voice now?

Ok, here we go...

Dear Negative-Self-Talk ,

I hear you trying to keep Dear-One honest, and I commend your diligent effort in the name of integrity. However, what you're doing is beating up on Dear-One when you think you're helping. Really, it's a form of torture. In fact studies show that negative-self-talk lights up the part of the brain where memories of torture live. Your words are not helpful; you're not helping Dear-One live from integrity. I don't want to be disrespectful or come across as cruel to you, Negative-Self-Talk... I just think that... well... if I thought I was trying to help someone I love, and actually I was causing them harm... I'd want to stop doing that.

Negative-Self-Talk, you are but a part of a larger Whole. You are a voice, inside the head of Dear-One, who, in turn, is a smaller part to ALL ESSENCE. All-Essence and Dear-One are both much bigger than you. You are a small child, and you have hijacked Dear-One, rendering Dear-One unsafe, and now, Dear-One will take back control.

Dear One, please say the following to your negative-self-talk voice.

C'mere, Little One… I'll hold you in my big loving arms, gently buckle you into the back seat where you belong, take care of you like no other has or can, and expertly drive the car that is my life. Chillax, Little Sweet Child. Enjoy the view!

Breathe. Take it in. You have just taken your life back. Enjoy this moment.

When you're ready to go a level further, please read on.

Dear One(s), You are invited to 'practice' meditation Tuesdays at 11 am (EST) and Fridays at 9 am. We will 'practice' knowing we are OK as-is.

A perfect non-judgmental Spirit is embodied in a richly differentiated human existence - for it's entire life - for your entire life. This human life - your lifespan - is a learning curve. In this moment, you are learning.

Individually and collectively - Life, Love and being Human - are complex. There's two-sides to a coin... multi-facets to a sparkling, cut, polished diamond. Embracing the 'both/and' of dichotomous experience is rich and beautiful and peaceful.

One last point...

'Monkey Mind' is the brain's default. It is primitive, and survival-based, and busy! It is most likely that busy has been its norm for as long as human brain's existed. Let's take a moment to give busy Monkey-Mind kudos and an invitation:

Dear Monkey Mind,

You are perfectly 'normal' and ok as-you-are. Kudos for being you! There are so many parts of you: emotional part, creative thinker part, problem solver part... There's also a new part in the neighborhood - Stillness. And, OH... what a pleasure that part is! Monkey-Mind, you may want to become friends with Stillness; this one will help you survive even better. It is so worth getting to know!

If you, Dear One, (and your parts), would like to 'practice' getting to know Stillness, together, with a group of others (and their parts) please join our online meditation group at 11 am (EST) on Tuesdays and/or 9 am (EST) on Fridays, both in the Meditation Chapel:…

(If you haven't registered - FOR FREE - with Meditation Chapel yet, please do that first:
and, if you're new & haven't used Zoom yet, you'll want to schedule a little extra time before you join, to download that)

Hope to see all of You...